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Best Music Promotion Apps – Our Picks for 2023

November 15, 2023 • 7 min read
When you have a song that is ready to release, do you know how to promote it? There are a lot of good artists out there that don’t have enough recognition. This can happen if they don’t know how to promote their songs. Music promotion is really important to let people get to your songs. But there are some tools you can use that will work better for this purpose.  The music market has changed a lot in the past years. Especially when talking about distribution and promotion. Nowadays, the internet is the main way for both of these matters. That is why it is so important to know how to use the internet as an artist. But if you are searching for more specific tips on how to promote your music online, you’ve found the answer! In this article you will find the best music promotion apps. They can be what is missing for you to be a huge artist.  

Social Media

  Social media apps are a must for any artist that wants to promote their career. In 2023, there are 4.9 billion social media users around the world. By looking at this number, you can imagine that there is a lot of public for you to win there.   Along with lots of available ways to promote there, you can also share about the other side of your work with your supporters. Apps like Instagram and TikTok are a great call for artists. They combine the two most important factors for musicians: visual and audio. You can create dance challenges with your song, which is really popular on these platforms. Or even share a snippet of your next release to build the hype around it.   X (formerly Twitter), Reddit and Facebook are not that visual, but can be really helpful as well. In X, you can invest in short sentences to catch the audience's attention for your content. Inside jokes and memes also suit the style of the app. Facebook supports longer texts and you can use it to share more about your productions.    Have in mind that X and Reddit have a younger audience, differently from Facebook. For that reason, it is important to know the profile of the public you are trying to reach. Being present in all the main social media is crucial. But by knowing your audience, you can invest more on the platforms that are more used by it.   

Social media 101

  Even though each app has its own specificities, there are some general practices you should do in all of them. One thing they all have in common: the algorithm. That means that they deliver some content more than others based on what people seem to like. Posting frequently and having an engaged audience will help you to get recognized as “good content” by the algorithm. With that, it will suggest your content to more and more people. And that is how you can use it in your favor.   A way of keeping your posts engaged is to answer the comments. It will show to your supporters that you actually care about what they have to say and are grateful for their support. Social media is a great way to strengthen your relation with your fans and connect with them more closely. So make sure that they feel like they can know more about you through your socials.   Most of these apps also allow you to do live streams. Is a good content to connect even more closely and directly with your fans. You can do a Q&A, take some cover requests and talk more about the process behind your productions. All of this while having a more direct conversation with them.   

Promote on streaming apps

As said before, nowadays the distribution of songs is made mainly on the internet. Streaming apps are growing more and more. Alone, Spotify has 551 million monthly active listeners in the second quarter of 2023. And for an artist, having their productions available in all the main streaming platforms is a basic step. Magroove can help you with that. We distribute your music to over 50 streaming platforms and online stores for free! Music promotion apps Once your music is available on streaming platforms, you can use them as music promotion apps as well. Playlists are ideal for that, especially the editorial ones! Editorial playlists are the ones made by a team of curators from that platform. They normally have a major theme and have a huge number of followers. For that reason, having your song in one of these playlists can be a huge step.   Most streaming apps have free applications for artists that want to be in an editorial playlists. On Spotify, for example, everyone can fill a form to their editorial playlists. But you need to send it at least 7 days before the release of the song. So make sure you know the deadlines of each platform so you can apply in all of them. Normally, they ask you to send the song so they can hear before the release together with the pitch about you and the production.

How to write a pitch 

A pitch is an objective text that explains more about you and your work. Having a good pitch is extremely important for artists that want to promote their music. It will show people your contact with why you are a good choice to work with them.   The main purpose of a pitch is to present yourself to people. For that reason, put the most important and relevant information about yourself as an artist. Who are you, what are your inspirations, awards you’ve been nominated, things you achieved in your career. But always keep in mind that the curators receive tons of pitches everyday. So your pitch should be able to convince them but it should still not be very long. Make sure that you will stand out among the other pitches they will read.   Since we are talking about promotion in playlists, there are some things you can put in your pitch to increase your chances. If you are trying to get in a specific playlist, make sure they know why you are a good match. Write about your inspirations for the song if they fit the concept of the playlist. Be clear and objective in why you should be pitched over all the other options they have.

Design also matters

Here is a bonus topic for you: design apps can also be music promotion apps. You may think that, for a musician, the sound is all that matters. And yes, the quality of your productions is really important, but having a good design can leave a stronger impression on people. So, if you are doing all by yourself, these apps will help you to make your social media and other graphic pieces more pleasant to see.   Canva is a great option. You’ve probably already heard of it, but you can start using it in a more creative way. They are always releasing new tools for funnier and cooler designs. They have a lot of presets for you to get inspiration from.   But remember: style this preset according to what you think will fit you better. If you just choose a preset and change nothing in it, the chances of people finding the same design somewhere else is very big. And originality is important so people will remember you as a unique artist. You can type keywords on the app and it will give you a lot of options that you can use to start thinking about your design. Take the presets, and make them your own!  


Even though you probably already know most of these apps, it is important to know that they all can turn into music promotion apps, and be useful for artists as well. And, because you already know most of them, it will be even easier for you to apply music promotion strategies on those apps. These apps are always releasing new tools for people that want to use them in a more professional way. Be aware of all the things you can use to make your music get to more people.   Keep in mind that each one of these has its own way of working and profile of users. It is important that you research the public of the apps and yours, and then compare to see what is the best match. By knowing your public, you will, consequently, know what it will work best for you. But if you can tell exactly, it is also fine. You can always monitor your results after you use each app and see what aligns with your goals the most. That way, you can invest more time and effort in making content to the apps that give you more results.   Social media apps have a really good “profile map” for the contents there. That means they can tell, with details, who is seeing and interacting with your posts. You can use this information before and after your promotions. Use the data that they provide to customize your content. The more you know who you want to reach, the more you know what you should produce.  
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