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Spotify Ads For Artists: How to use Spotify Ad Studio

June 22, 2022 • 5 min read
You want to know more about music promotion? Understanding how to use the Spotify Ad Studio platform is a great place to start. In this article, we'll clear up all the basics of Spotify ads for artists: what the tool offers, what types of targeting you can do and how to build good audio advertising for the right audience. In addition to great music and spectacular shows, you need to have a supportive community and  goals for that community in the years to come. Don't miss out on a chance to build this community with the help of Spotify Ad Studio!  

What is Spotify Ad Studio?

Digital advertisement is one of the most effective ways to sell products nowadays. The more time people spend on social networks, the more promising the online ad market becomes. Anyone preparing to work in the music industry needs good promotion strategies to maximize their success.    Cell openning a Spotify Ads.   There are two major types of traffic flow on the internet: organic traffic (the communicator releases their content for the algorithm to deliver) and paid traffic (you target a group of people and pay the algorithm to deliver the content). Promotion strategies include engaging the two processes simultaneously. Spotify is one of the platforms which stands out the most in means of consuming music today. With more than 365 million users, the application is as good an alternative as any for artist ads.  

Who is it for?

If you're researching the promotion of songs, bands and albums, but you don't know how the market uses Spotify Ads Studio, hold on tight and we'll help you. We've prepared a list of the top uses of Spotify ads for musicians:  
  • Release a hot new single.
  • Let on about an album or EP.
  • Invite your specific city's audience for a show or gig.
  • Advertise and sell tickets for a tour.
  • Promote a playlist with your songs.
  • Expand your fan following and test new audiences.

What does Spotify offer the advertiser?

If you've never tried advertising through Spotify Ads, this could be the change your communication strategy needs to achieve your goals. To understand more about Spotify ads for artists, let's explore the platform's differences from other Music Promotion Services. One of the main points is the Brand Intimacy. According to the MBLM, Spotify ranked first in 2020 surveys among Gen Z. The platform is dedicated to building environments where users share their information and interests. Through playlists, for example, it is possible to know when someone is cooking or exercising. This intimacy that the user has with the platform is useful when placing an ad for the right person, at the right time in their life. According to the platform, the everyday public uses it, on average, for 2 hours and 30 minutes every day.    

Choosing Your Audience 

When looking at the effectiveness of your promotion, the most important part is knowing who you are producing your ad for. Identification is paramount in internet conversion processes. But you don't have to be afraid of making mistakes, your audience just needs to be observed and valued by you. And it's testing that you find out who can be targeted to join your gang.      Board and a hand writing the word audience.   It's decisive to realize that you can target your Spotify ads to audiences from three categories.  Interest targeting allows you to reach audiences based on their cultural interests (books, comedy, etc.) and their format preferences (playlists, albums, podcasts). Content segmentation targets specific music genres, day-to-day activities through playlists (exercise, parties, travel) and your fan base built within the platform. Last but not least, you can choose demographic targeting, which involves objective audience factors. Examples are: age, city where you live, financial condition, language, etc. We know that this part involves study and audience research, but if you are still at the beginning of your journey and don't have this information, don't worry. The company itself prepares annual trend reports that can help you at this time. And don't be afraid to test things out — experimentation is key.   After choosing your audience, you can adapt your artist branding to this community. Only then are you ready to start planning your ad. You must record and edit a commercial for each chosen audience if you want to gain intimacy with the people who follow you.  

Tips for building your Spotify audio ad

In the world of business, there's no point in spending money on Spotify Ads if your commercial doesn't have the elements to win your audience in 30 seconds. In short, you need to know who you are talking to and what action you expect from that person.   Headset, a computer and a cell phone connected to Spotify.   Furthermore, to attract attention and make your investment worthwhile, we've separated some production tips about the song, the main voice and the ending of the ad:  
  • When choosing which part of the song will serve as a background, be strategic. Use, if possible, an excerpt that leads to the chorus.
  • Let the music play for the first 15 seconds at least. Only after feeling the music does the speech gain its maximum strenght.
  • Start the song with a “fade in” for about 3 seconds. Don't forget to “fade out” at the end.
  • Your ad speech should last about 10 seconds.
  • Every ad needs to drive the listener to take action. Know exactly what action you expect and end your pitch with a CTA (“call to action”).
  • Use the technique Elevator Pitch to build your speech.
  • Remember to lower the music volume for speech input and turn it up for a few seconds after the CTA. 
  • Avoid using elements that distract from the message, such as sound effects, multiple voices, etc.
  • Use creativity and test audiences to discover new avenues.
  As a result of this mapping on Spotify Ads for artists, you are ready to create your ads and promote your music. Whenever you can, pay attention to the format of the audio commercial that passes you by and listen to your audience's needs. Good luck and count on us on your musical journey!  
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