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Distribute Your Music to Spotify – For Free with Magroove

March 24, 2023 • 4 min read
Recording a song is crucial but what is next? Distribute your music to Spotify, the biggest streaming service for artists. For that and more, you need a good free music distribution service like Magroove. They also offer many tools to boost your release. Before, you would need money to put your work on the radio and hope it would be successful. Nowadays, a music distributor and internet combined can drive the musician to be a star.

How to choose the right distributor

Pick a service to distribute your music involves plenty of variables. But the most important one is the price structure of the company. As an independent artist you should look for a firm that has the best cost benefit and respects your rights. A musician needs a service that provides all the background it needs to continue producing songs without worries. Another relevant point to take a close look at is the quantity and quality of the platforms and stores that the distribution is going to reach. Have your goals in mind: do you want the track to go viral on social media? Want it to chart high on spaces like Spotify? Always prefer an option that can give the maximum of alternatives - especially the most famous ones. Divulgation is never too much. Be aware of the companies’ values. You should have a partner who understands about this world and truly cares about your career. This reflects in a good and effective support to the customer as well. Hiring a distributor can change the direction of your future as an artist. Besides all that, a modern service can provide fundamental tools like analytical metrics about your releases, pre-saves, websites, and so much more. Enjoy the opportunity to grow and amplify your audience.

Why choose Magroove to distribute your music?

Magroove`s music distribution service meets all requirements to support the independent musician. The company will deliver your tracks to high accessed demand-side platforms (DSPs) worldwide including Spotify, and more than 40 others. It makes the work of the DPSs easier because avoids unstandardized metadata and facilitates the payments. Distribute Your Music to Spotify Understanding how Magroove works is simple - as it should be, and designed to take the burden of bureaucracy off your shoulders. After you create an account for free and upload your songs, the service will put them on Spotify - and other platforms. The important thing is that you will only be charged if you makes more than USD 5  a year per release, unlike other platforms that charge upfront. In this case, the firm will keep only USD 5. All above is yours. And remember: a release can be a music, an entire album or an EP. The artist can withdraw the money when it reaches USD 50. If they make less profit than USD 5, the distributor will only keep the amount earned, without charging in any way or taking the release down. Magroove also does not take any part of the song, there are no legal attachments. And paperwork is free too. The company is focused on respecting your rights. When you upload a song on their platform, the app will generate the International Standard Recording Code (ISRC) if you don’t have it. Why is this relevant? Because without an ISRC issued and attributed to your music, it does not have any trail where to forward the royalties to. That way, it could be played for free indiscriminately.

And why distribute your music to Spotify?

Okay, you got it that distributing your music with a good firm is a key to success. But why is uploading your music to Spotify so important? Well, Spotify has more than 450 million subscribers. This is a convincing point already, right? Although, how the streaming directs the digital crowd is even more crucial. The streaming platform increases your public and promotes an organic audience. With recommendations, Spotify drives the user who is listening to one of your music to check your previous tracks. Playlists are also a powerful instrument to achieve new fans. This app is known for its different kinds of playlists. Find the ones that match with your sound. It also offers analytical metrics which helps to calculate how a track is performing. And then decide what strategies are going to be used to boost the numbers. In the past, to be in the charts you would have to be on the radio or TV. Today, Billboard takes streaming plays into account. Your digital plays can take you to the desired Hot 100. Another aspect changed by the time is the lower volume of piracy. When the song is available in a highly accessed space like Spotify, people stop looking for illicit methods. Distribute Your Music to Spotify Your account will be your business card. And the best part is that, besides getting known, the artist makes money from Spotify. How? With royalties. They can be owed by the rightsholders for recordings streamed or by the songwriters owners of a composition. If the song is played, the rightsholders receive the royalties. Payments may vary depending on how their music is streamed or what are the agreements between labels or distributors. And after uploading my song? You did it: you hired Magroove and distribute your music into Spotify. Now what? There are a lot of ways to boost your releases and the distributor can support you. Magroove provides tools like the popular Spotify pre-saves. They expand expectations and improve a premiere by guaranteeing the track will automatically be in the library or playlist of the listeners who signed up. That is positive for the algorithms: as a song receives a huge amount of them, they copy that the repercussions will be large and deliver it to bigger audiences. The firm also adds your work to its discovery page, allowing other viewers and participants to find it. The service offers full analytics reports about the song stats and link trees as well. More than that: you can create your own website and merchandising online store all personalized!
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